Player Characters start at Fate 3, they receive this for free. To me as a storyteller, Fate is a sign of dramatic "weight;" it is how important a character is to the story we're telling, and how much of an impact they've had so far.
Which begs the question: how important are the Heroes? How do they compare to other Fated NPCs? And just how many Fated NPCs are there?
The following is not a complete list, nor is it intended to be. Some PCs require an air of mystery, and to allow everyone to know their mechanics might undermine the character. But to give players a sense of what Fate means, and how rare a given level is.
The following list are Storyteller guidelines for NPCs and Fate (at least those that can be publicly shared). While some players might not wish to have access to this information, it is included because it does give an idea of where the heroes stand (which is pretty high up in the hierarchy).
Fate 7: There's one (and only one) Fate 7 NPC. There will probably only ever be one as well.
Which begs the question: how important are the Heroes? How do they compare to other Fated NPCs? And just how many Fated NPCs are there?
The following is not a complete list, nor is it intended to be. Some PCs require an air of mystery, and to allow everyone to know their mechanics might undermine the character. But to give players a sense of what Fate means, and how rare a given level is.
The following list are Storyteller guidelines for NPCs and Fate (at least those that can be publicly shared). While some players might not wish to have access to this information, it is included because it does give an idea of where the heroes stand (which is pretty high up in the hierarchy).
Fate 7: There's one (and only one) Fate 7 NPC. There will probably only ever be one as well.
- Angus, Lion of the Aels - The Greatest Warrior Lloegyr has ever known.
Fate 6: There's only a handful of Fate 6 NPCs, they are exceedingly rare, and generally culture heroes. Note that not every culture has a paragon of their culture, and while this list may be incomplete, you're almost certain to have heard of a Fate 6 NPC.
- Castus the Unconquered - The King of the Heorots is a legend in his own time, and his story is sure to endure to the end of time.
- Odvar the Invincible - The Kraki Champion, the slayer of monsters, and perhaps the single most important reason for the current might of the Kraki.
Fate 5: Only the noteworthy, powerful, and dramatic individuals become Fate 5. Their accomplishments are known throughout kingdoms, and their stories are the most essential stories of the North.
- Guilhelm, the Duke of Vincia - A politician without equal, known for his gentle demeanor and unassailable calm, as well as the vicious effectiveness of his politics.
- Jenevra, Fallen Queen of the Aels - Traitor, savior, priestess, or Queen... no one has done more to shape the current landscape of Lloegyr than Jenevra of Clan Onellon, now in exile.
- Raagar of Vexspar - The grim uncle to King Rolf, the former Kraki champion, and lion in winter.
- Augda, Primate of Lloegyr
- Dannis, the Earl of Lamark
- Finn, Earl of Farpont
- Mark, the King's Chancellor
- Pryd, Prince of Wahla
- Rolf, King of the Kraki
Fate 3: Generally speaking, this level of Fate is reserved for the characters of players, and include well-established or promising individuals.
Fate 2: Most of the "named" NPCs you meet are considered Fate 2 (generally, this is the default Fate for an NPC who could be "promoted" to NPC status.
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