Monday, October 1, 2012

Rules Notes and Updates - 1 Oct 12

Some rules notes:

Fighting Style Errata: There is errata for Fighting Style: Aggressive Light Blades (referred to as Fencing in Armory).  The following if official CCP errata:

  • The "Riposte" maneuver granted by the third dot of the Fighting Style: Fencing merit costs a Willpower point, which the player must spend as soon as he decides his character will apply twice his Defense to an incoming enemy attack

A clarification: since we so often use Dodge with Rapidity, this rule will requires clarification.  If a character is dodging, he or she must simply declare that they spend the Willpower point before the incoming attack to use Riposte.  The attack from Riposte is considered reflexive and occurs immediately after the attack that triggers it.  All subsequent attacks are not penalized by a character's Defense.

Longevity XP: With our first character deaths, we have our first questions about Longevity Experience Points.  While Longevity is used in some games to reduce the negative effects of character death (and meaningful character death is a desirably thing), it is not appropriate to a game such as Ubi Sunt.  Instead, we will increase the starting XP for all characters, to maintain a minimum baseline.

Currently, starting XP is set at 75 + (total XP award)/2.  As of 1 October, 2012, the total XP award (the sum of all XP awards by the storyteller) is 33.  This includes both game XP and additional XP awards for items such as using the proper format for character... such one time awards are no longer in play.  A starting character can have 92 starting XP (117 with a proper background). Characters with less than 92 XP (117 with background) gain XP to bring the total XP to that number.  Do not include Vassal/Lord XP or XP from lower Honor in this calculation.

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