To shameless steal a term from Neil Gaiman, soft places are places where the boundaries between the Quick (or mortal realm) are less distinct from those of the Twilight Realm or Underworld. The most common of these are the menhirs that dot the Seaspur Mountains (and are patrolled by various fraternities of Aelic rangers... but that's another entry) and barrows (which are believed to be gateways to the underworld. However, there's a few very notable areas where the boundary is very faint, and mortals might be unsure of which world they are in.
So far, the campaign has seen two of these. The first was the Nameless Bay, where the heroes travelled so that the Seven could descend into the Underworld. Less well known is the Unroofed Vault, deep in the Seaspur Mountains, where it is said Typhon once dwelt.
The strange thing is that the Viltem have been "spotted" (for lack of a better word) in or around the soft places. It is said the Viltem walk the Quick, exiled their by the Death Lord, Wraun... and if this is the case, where else in Lloegyr might you meet one of these ancient beings?
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